Successful transitions – whether from lower secondary to upper secondary, into work-based training or university, or into work at any age – are life-enhancing for individuals and crucial to our future social and economic well-being. They are also an indicator of a good school. This free course, Careers education and guidance (CEG), discusses what a school's personal development programme should provide, and how all teachers have a role in securing successful transitions for their students.
PLEASE NOTE: This course is over 10 years old and due for academic review. You may find infomation that has become dated in its current contents, such as the mention of Connexions.
Course learning outcomes
After studying this course, you should be able to:
understand the rationale for careers education and guidance (CEG) and young people's need for it
understand your school's statutory responsibilities for CEG and its links with Connexions
understand the basic knowledge and skills needed to help students access careers information and guidance
understand the school's CEG programme and the confidence to carry out your role in it.
Superb experience with the Careers Education and Guidance course...
Careers Education and Guidance plays a pivotal role in learners' educational journey, by supporting them to discover their interest / aim in career, for navigating the complex world of work or training, and also for helping them to make informed decision about their future. Every person needs good career advice & guidance because this is a necessity for social mobility, so as to enable them to draw upon, and have the most to gain from a strong career guidance system. The importance of providing careers advice & guidance cannot be overlooked or underestimated as this contributes in shaping the life, career & personality of the learners. In light of this, my amazing experience of studying the Careers Education and Guidance short course with The Open University has been exceedingly meaningful & truly very favourable. This has helped me enormously for acquiring valuable information & structured guidance to be able to help students in making good decisions, and achieve their goals. The knowledge gained has empowered me to educate learners on the potential career pathways that are available, to develop career management skills, and to assist them to explore their own career potential, thus helping learners to make progress in academic achievement, thereby raising their aspirations & awareness of employment possibilities, and by boosting their morale, by removing barriers to employment or further learning. I am very happy to recommend this highly elevating course to the academic professionals, who are willing to acquire an in-depth understanding of Careers Education and Guidance, for assisting students' transition into the labour market, and developing their professional careers, by emerging academically, socially, and personally. (Review comments written by Srabanti Ray, on 26/01/2025).
Careers Education and Guidance plays a pivotal role in learners' educational journey, by supporting them to discover their interest / aim in career, for navigating the complex world of work or training, and also for helping them to make informed decision about their future. Every person needs good career advice & guidance because this is a necessity for social mobility, so as to enable them to draw upon, and have the most to gain from a strong career guidance system. The importance of providing careers advice & guidance cannot be overlooked or underestimated as this contributes in shaping the life, career & personality of the learners. In light of this, my amazing experience of studying the Careers Education and Guidance short course with The Open University has been exceedingly meaningful & truly very favourable. This has helped me enormously for acquiring valuable information & structured guidance to be able to help students in making good decisions, and achieve their goals. The knowledge gained has empowered me to educate learners on the potential career pathways that are available, to develop career management skills, and to assist them to explore their own career potential, thus helping learners to make progress in academic achievement, thereby raising their aspirations & awareness of employment possibilities, and by boosting their morale, by removing barriers to employment or further learning. I am very happy to recommend this highly elevating course to the academic professionals, who are willing to acquire an in-depth understanding of Careers Education and Guidance, for assisting students' transition into the labour market, and developing their professional careers, by emerging academically, socially, and personally. (Review comments written by Srabanti Ray, on 26/01/2025).