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Conducting qualitative interviews: an introduction
Conducting qualitative interviews: an introduction

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You have covered a lot of ground in this course! The topics covered have explored why you might use qualitative interviews, how to prepare for them, carry them out, and what to do after the interview is finished. You have had the chance to look at strategies and tools other researchers use and consider your own practice as a researcher. We hope you now feel better equipped in terms of understanding the process of designing and carrying out qualitative interviews.

We wish you every success.

Further sources of information

Interested in taking your learning further? You might find it helpful to explore the Open University’s Health and Social Care courses and qualifications [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .

Or for more information about research, you might be interested in Understanding different research perspectives: 6 Research strategy - OpenLearn - Open University.