1.5 Characters: the Facilitator and the Supervisor
1.5.1 The Facilitator
Description: A facilitator works closely with the individual or group of young people to help them achieve a task and learn from the experience. Implicit in a facilitator's role is the belief that the young people involved are competent and, with the right information, support and motivation, can meet their goal. The term ‘scaffolding’ is sometimes used, meaning that the worker provides a support structure around the task. If the young person wobbles, the scaffolding can keep them on track. The support structure can be gradually dismantled as young people develop their own skills and are able to work with less or no support.
Issues: There are always difficult judgements to be made about when to step in and provide support, and when to let young people find their own way; whether to allow them space to learn through active experimentation, even when the risk of getting it wrong could be damaging to self-confidence or lead to the failure of a project. In the clips of Madcap you will see Gawaine and Steve talking about their roles, and the importance of providing a space for young people to try things out and take responsibility for the outcomes.
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Transcript: Madcap - Steve's role
Steve is the lead worker on music projects at Madcap
Text: His work brings him into contact with some potentially problematic young people.
Text: Anyone referred here becomes the lead musician on their own music project.
Text: But everyone who comes here has different abilities and aptitudes.
Text: For every project Steve and the band leader start by working up a plan.
Text: Steve believes working towards a goal is a very effective form of discipline
Text: The goal may be a CD, a live performance, or a set of lyrics.
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Transcript: Madcap - Gawaine's role
Text: Gawaine’s connection with Madcap goes back a long way.
Text: Gawaine’s own past may help him relate to the centre’s more troubled users.
Text: Gawaine was lucky enough to get a Musician’s Union New Deal placement at Madcap.
Text: Gawaine’s work at Madcap involves close collaboration with Steve.
Text: This partnership with Steve has taught Gawaine a lot of new skills.