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Why I study with OpenLearn
With more than 900 free courses, OpenLearn has something for everyone. These learners shared with us how they benefited, how it changed lives, inspired further study, sparked an interest or just learned something new. It can become addictive!

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Безкоштовні онлайн-ресурси для українців, які проживають у Великобританії та Ірландії
Від корисних курсів до статей про психічне здоров’я та благополуччя – ось кілька безкоштовних онлайн-ресурсів Open University.

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Free online resources for Ukrainians settling in the UK and Ireland
From free courses in the English language to articles on mental health and wellbeing, here are some free online resources from The Open University.

Education & Development
Postgraduate study: Education, Childhood & Youth
Want to build on your undergraduate study or further develop your thinking as a postgraduate? Here you will find a number of OpenLearn courses to help with the skills needed for postgraduate online distance learning.

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Life-changing scholarships and bursaries at The Open University
Since The Open University (OU) first began in 1969, we have made it our mission to open up education for all. Over fifty years on, we continue to widen access to education by providing a range of scholarships and bursaries that will forever change the lives of disabled veterans, carers and students from disadvantaged backgrounds, who may ...

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How to start a course
Are you wondering about how to enrol, start or complete an OpenLearn course? Look no further, we're here to help!

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My OpenLearn account
Have questions concerning your OpenLearn account? Look no further, we're here to help!

Education & Development
Skills for study
Thinking about studying for the first time or after a long time away? Refresh your skills and prepare for success with these free courses.

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What is RSS and how can I use RSS feeds?
RSS feeds detect new content from websites of your choice then send it to you, meaning you can read new articles without even visiting those websites. Find out more in our Quickstart Guide.

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Can I take a feed of OpenLearn content?
RSS feeds are incredibly useful things - and with OpenLearn, you can help yourself to as much, or as little, information as you'd like.

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How does OpenLearn deal with older content?
OpenLearn has a vast archive of content from across the years. Here's our policy for dealing with it.