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A discussion on melanoma (skin cancer) as a teenager

Updated Friday, 4 February 2022

Listen to three podcasts, with Jack Brodie and Dr Wendy McInally discussing young people aged 16 to 26 with melanoma (skin cancer).

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Jack Brodie, a former young person with cancer, recounts his experience with Dr Wendy McInally who has spent over 25 years in clinical and educational delivery environments across the United Kingdom and internationally. Wendy has built a comprehensive research and education portfolio around children and young people with cancer. Wendy completed her PhD in early 2020 which explored the experiences of young people living with malignant melanoma and has played a leading role in developing many best practice initiatives.

Melanoma in young people

I was 16 at the time, and I found this spot on my neck... it looked like a mole, I just called it a spot. And at the time, I think I thought I had acne.

Transcript (PDF document31.7 KB) .

Being diagnosed with melanoma

I thought they were going to do a check on the stitches... but when I went back in, I was actually told this wasn't just a spot and it was something called melanoma.

Transcript (PDF document28.2 KB) .


They put some dye into the area that I had the mole removed from and I went into a big machine and they basically tracked the dye to see if it would flag-up any cancer cells.


Transcript (PDF document73.9 KB) .


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