Find out more about The Open University's Philosophy courses
“I think, therefore I am” This is Descartes' famous Cogito argument: Cogito Ergo Sum. This short animation explains how he came to this conclusion of certainty when surrounded by uncertainty and doubt.
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Choose your own philosophy adventure
'Castle, Forest, Island, Sea' is a choose-your-own-adventure interactive that explores key questions in philosophy. Where will your chosen path lead you?
Study a free course
Introducing philosophy
Ever wondered what it would be like to study philosophy? This free course, Introducing philosophy, will introduce you to the teaching methods employed and the types of activities and assignments you would be asked to undertake should you wish to study philosophy and the human situation.
Minds and mental phenomena: an introduction
This free course, Minds and mental phenomena: an introduction, examines the philosophical questions surrounding the mind. You will examine how beliefs have changed over the centuries and be able to contrast the views of Descartes with more modern ideas.
Introducing consciousness
What is consciousness? How does the brain generate consciousness and how can a science of the mind describe and explain it adequately? This free course, Introducing consciousness, will introduce you to the slippery phenomenon that is consciousness, as well as some of the difficulties consciousness presents to science and philosophy.
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thank you
Hi Jenny,
The BBC should be able to answer your question, their contact us page can be found here -
Hope this helps.
Best wishes
OpenLearn Moderator