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Further reading

Anstey, R. (1975) The Atlantic Slave Trade and British Abolition, 1760–1810, Atlantic Highlands, Humanities Press. The standard account, which gives considerable prominence to the Evangelical contribution.
Gilbert, A.D. (1976) Religion and Society in Industrial England: Church, Chapel and Social Change, 1740–1914, London, Longman. An account of trends in religious participation with useful statistics.
Howse, E.M. (1971) Saints in Politics: The ‘Clapham Sect’ and the Growth of Freedom, London, George Allen & Unwin (first published by the University of Toronto Press in 1952). An old but still useful account of the political impact of Wilberforce and his associates.
Pollock, J. (1977) Wilberforce, London, Constable. The best available biography.
Schlossberg, H. (2000) The Silent Revolution and the Making of Victorian England, Columbus, Ohio State University Press.