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What is heritage?
What is heritage?

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concerned with sensory (primarily visual) judgements of beauty, taste and value
in the UK, the processes of maintenance and protection from destruction or change, usually with some legal sanctions. In the USA, the term ‘preservation’ is used
lit. speech or discussion; often used in a more theoretical context to describe a form of communication which requires specialised (‘inside’) knowledge
ethnic group who occupied a geographic area prior to the arrival and subsequent occupation of migrant settlers. The term may be used in some circumstances to include groups who may not have been part of the ‘original’ occupation of an area, but who were part of an early historical period of occupation prior to the most recent colonisation, annexation or formation of a new nation-state
the idea that the values of a heritage object, place or practice are inseparable from its physical qualities
something considered to be a part of heritage that is not a physical object or place, such as a memory, a tradition or a cultural practice, as opposed to tangible heritage
see inherent
the location and particular qualities of a place
official heritage
state-sponsored or controlled processes of heritage listing and management. The term is often used in opposition to the term ‘unofficial’ heritage
oral history
the transmission of history by verbal means. Often a feature of non-literate cultures
oral tradition
see oral history
subordinate or overlooked. A person or group of low social status and their cultural expression which is excluded from common representations of the nation
in heritage parlance, the reason that explains the definition of an object, place or practice as heritage
Venice Charter
The International Charter for the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Sites, which was drafted at the Second International Congress of Architects and Technicians of Historic Monuments in Venice in 1964 and adopted by ICOMOS in 1965
World Heritage Convention
The Convention Concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage, adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO on 16 November 1972, which established the World Heritage List and the process for listing World Heritage sites
World Heritage sites
Places listed on the World Heritage List