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Grid List Results: 305 items
The taste of love on different tongues: What language tells us about love article icon


The taste of love on different tongues: What language tells us about love

Tim Lomas explored the world's languages and discovered words for types of love with no English equivalent. He reckons there's at least fourteen flavours of love.

5 mins
Year of the Pig: Chinese New Year article icon


Year of the Pig: Chinese New Year

As the Chinese celebrate the Year of the Pig, why not learn how to write and pronounce basic Chinese words?

5 mins
You've ordered your Rome booklet article icon


You've ordered your Rome booklet

Before you go, why not try these...?

5 mins
Interdisciplinarity: A collection article icon

Education & Development

Interdisciplinarity: A collection

Bringing together the best of interdisciplinary resources from across OpenLearn – could an "Open" qualification be right for you?

2 mins
Do as Dumbledore does: the benefits of private speech article icon


Do as Dumbledore does: the benefits of private speech

In one of the Harry Potter films, Dumbledore claims he finds talking aloud to himself very useful - is this true? Dr. Carlos Montoro explores the research behind self-addressed talk.

10 mins
Do enforced language tests help migrants integrate more smoothly? article icon


Do enforced language tests help migrants integrate more smoothly?

An Australian perspective on why making English skills a key part of Citizenship may do less for social cohesion than supporters of the idea believe.

5 mins
Methods in Motion: Inside Outsiders and Outside Insiders article icon


Methods in Motion: Inside Outsiders and Outside Insiders

In today’s 'Methods in Motion' blog, the ordeal of conducting research interviews in imperfect German is turned to advantage by Sara de Jong in trying to understand how participants identify as ‘insiders’ or ‘outsiders’.

5 mins
Thirty-seven winters of discontent article icon

History & The Arts

Thirty-seven winters of discontent

Since the original 1978/79 Winter Of Discontent, any setback at any time between late summer and Easter has been garlanded with the same grim title.

5 mins
Introducing language and creativity video icon


Introducing language and creativity

Our short video gives a brief introduction to creativity - and explores its links with language.

5 mins
Catalonia: What happens now? article icon

Society, Politics & Law

Catalonia: What happens now?

Dr Paul Kennedy shares his assessment of where the dissolution of the Catalonian parliament and announcement of new elections leaves both sides.

5 mins
Designing the Spanish nation article icon


Designing the Spanish nation

Delve into the politics behind the national symbols of modern Spain. 

15 mins
Does poor spelling really make President Trump unfit for office? article icon


Does poor spelling really make President Trump unfit for office?

It's not an unpresidented question - should poor spelling be a bar to high office? Philip Seargeant wants us to wake up and smell the covfefe.

5 mins