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Learn more about languages
How to learn a language
Learn about the concepts and skills required to learn languages successfully. This free course, How to learn a language, introduces the skills and strategies for language learning, setting realistic goals when learning languages and keeping motivated, practise speaking skills and vocabulary learning strategies. It will enable you to evaluate ...
From sound to meaning: hearing, speech and language
Human communication is vastly more complex than that of any other species we know about. It is so complex that linguists are only just beginning to identify the processes in the brain that are related to understanding language. This free course, From sound to meaning: hearing, speech and language, looks at how language is understood by taking an...
Exploring languages and cultures
Explore the multiple relationships between languages and cultures. In this free course you will learn about the benefits and challenges of meeting people from different cultures and the ways in which language and human communities shape each other. You will look at the role of intercultural competence at the workplace, reflect on the use of ...
BA (Honours) Language Studies
This flexible degree allows you to study two modern languages ? from French, German and Spanish ? or to combine one of them with English. Learning a language and about how languages work (including English) opens doors to other cultures and communities, and gives you experience of the world that goes deeper than the average tourist trip. It can ...
MA in Translation
This qualification is an exciting opportunity to develop your skills as a translator, equipping you to work in the fast-growing Translation Services industry. You will experiment with different genres through practical, inspiring translation activities, and hone your practice through peer review. You will gain hands-on experience of using tools ...
BA/BSc (Hons) Open Degree
The most flexible degree programme in the UK allows you to study any subjects you like, in any combination.
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