Have you always wanted to learn how to speak Mandarin Chinese? Are you fascinated by the sound, the script and its ancient civilisation? If so, this introduction will get you started on the essentials of reading, writing, speaking and listening in Chinese through a variety of online activities. A perfect introduction for absolute beginners!
This OpenLearn course is an extract from the Open Centre for Languages and Cultures short course, LGXC001 Beginners Chinese 1. After completing this free course, you may wish to register for
the full short online course Beginners Chinese 1
or the 30-credit
Beginners’ Chinese module to continue your learning!
Course learning outcomes
After studying this course, you should be able to:
- say hello and goodbye and thank people in Mandarin Chinese
- respond to greeting and thanks
- use personal pronouns including the politeness pronoun nín
- count from 0 to 99
- recognise some Pinyin spelling conventions.
First Published: 15/10/2020
Updated: 15/10/2020