5 Language and culture
This section aims to help you reflect on the importance of cultural awareness, and to make you aware of the cultural differences associated with different cultures and societies. It will also encourage you to reflect on your own culture and the perceptions others may have of your society.
Activity 13 Writing a play
For this activity, you are going to be writing a short play, based on one of three scenarios. Pick a language you are happy using, and use any resources that you think might be useful – websites, dictionaries, books, friends and family. The important thing is that you research the topic as well as you can.
Choose from one of the three following scenarios. Notes and guidance on what to include in your play are included in each document.
Play 1: Introductory level
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Play 2: Intermediate level
Play 3: Advanced level
The beginning of your play could be ‘introductions’, although you may want to choose a different way of starting. It is up to you to use your own initiative.
Try to give the ending of your play a ‘positive conclusion’.
It is important that you adopt names for your characters, taking into account where they are from.