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English: skills for learning
English: skills for learning

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SWE_1 Glossary

Sunday, 15 September 2024, 8:38 AM
Site: Open Learning
Course: English: skills for learning (SWE_1)
Glossary: Glossary


(Noun) A mind map is a diagram showing a key idea and other associated ideas and information. The key idea is at the centre of the diagram and the other concepts are linked to it. Mind maps can be used to organise ideas taken from a reading.


noun group

(Noun) A group of words used to name things, people or concepts. A noun group is made up of a main noun and other words that give further information about the noun.

The main noun is in bold in these examples: a spectrum microscope; a difficult question to answer; the man who discovered penicillin.


online forum

(Noun) An online meeting place where participants discuss their ideas in writing. An example is a tutor group forum where students can share ideas with other students.



(Noun) Copying words, ideas or information from source material and presenting them in writing without acknowledging where they have been taken from.

primate species

(Noun) A group of animals that includes monkeys, apes and humans.



(Noun) The process of thinking back on past experiences.


(Noun) The extent to which something is directly connected to the issue being discussed, to a person or to a specific situation.


(Adjective) Able to be trusted and dependable. 


(Noun) In-depth investigation and study to find information about a specific topic. (Also, verb) The act of doing this.


(Noun) A job that is highly regulated and requires the employee to work in a certain way following a large number of rules.