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English: skills for learning
English: skills for learning

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abstract nouns

(Noun, plural) Names of ideas, states or qualities. These cannot be seen or touched.


(Noun) A word made up of the initial letters of many words. For example: FAQ (frequently asked questions) and DIY (do it yourself)


(Noun) A particular task you are asked to do in the context of your job or studies. At university, an assignment may be an essay, a report or an oral presentation which is  submitted to your tutor for a mark and comments

autobiographical recount

(Noun) A text that describes events in your own life


(Noun) Possibility to decide what tasks should be carried out and in what way they could be done.


bilingual dictionary

(Noun) A bilingual dictionary is a dictionary that provides a translation from one language to another.

biographical recount

(Noun) A text that describes events in a person’s life.



(Noun,plural) Words that normally precede or follow a word.


(Noun) A general idea such as ‘development’ and ‘education’. Unlike an object, a place or a person, a concept cannot be touched or seen.

concrete nouns

(Noun, plural) Things that we can physically see and touch.

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