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Gamified Intelligent Cyber Aptitude and Skills Training (GICAST)
Gamified Intelligent Cyber Aptitude and Skills Training (GICAST)

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5 Summary of Week 1

A padlock with a key inserted.
Figure 20

This week you explored the security threats that could affect your digital information and use of online services.

You also learned how to keep your knowledge of these threats up to date and started looking at how these threats relate to your own information assets and online activities. In the coming weeks you will explore the different ways in which these threats can become attacks.

You have also learned about the wider world of cyber security and how attacks can affect a variety of systems. As we enter into an age where most everyday devices are connected to the internet – the ‘Internet of Things’ – we will have to deal with a growing range of threats and cyber security will be increasingly important.

There is some optional further reading relating to cyber security in a business setting in the further reading section.

You can now go to Week 2: Authentication [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .