2.4 What should I do next?

This section is part of the amber and green pathways.
You have now taken several simple but very important steps to protect your information. Review your list of information assets and work through what else you need to do to improve your own security.
Based on the risk analysis you have done for your information assets, create an information security action plan detailing the countermeasures you could implement to protect each asset.
Before proceeding, you should implement at least one set of countermeasures. In time, you should implement all the countermeasures and also periodically review your risk analysis and action plan to make sure that you are maintaining your countermeasures.
Some of your actions are likely to involve secure encryption and secret passwords. This can result in some significant problems for your business or family should you become incapable of handling these procedures or should you die.
Business users need to analyse how the business would continue to have access to any business documents and systems while ensuring full security at all times. Other users need to evaluate what assets should remain inaccessible on their death, and which assets should be available to family or friends. For the latter, the process by which secure passwords can be passed on to others needs to be planned.
Next you’ll learn about some of the recent developments in cyber security.