5 Summary of Session 2
This session focused on the ways in which you can play with the materials available on forums: words, images and experiences. The examples in this session are just a few of the possibilities. You might have thought of others as you worked through the activities. However, whatever the method of being playful, all of the examples and activities you explored involved the five aspects of play which were identified in Activity 2:
- the structure doesn’t have a set pattern
- there is a choice of materials
- the materials can be combined in different ways
- you can explore the possibilities created by the combinations
- it involves you and other people as active participants.
This session focused on how you can engage playfully on forums. In Session 3, you will look at how to respond in playful ways to other learners’ posts and comments.
You can now go to Session 3 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] when you are ready.