12 Summary of Week 2
Now you have reached the end of Week 2, reflect a little on what you have learnt.
Activity 14
In the box below, note down what you have found easy, useful or fun, and what was more difficult.
You have now come to the end of this course Tài bàng le! (Well done!)
You can listen to how this phrase is pronounced below.
This course has been developed from extract parts of LGXC001 - Beginners Chinese 1: 开始吧 kāishĭ ba! [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] . Visit the OpenLearn’s hub for language content where you will be able to build on your newly found language skills.
If you wish to continue your studies, you may be interested in The Open University’s Level 1 30-credit Beginner’s Chinese module. The course expands on what you have learnt here and teaches Mandarin Chinese and simplified characters.