1 How to refer to different languages
You may already know country names such Zhōngguó 中国 (China), Yīngguó 英国 (United Kingdom) or Fǎguó 法国 (France), now you will learn how to turn the country names into their corresponding language.
Activity 1
Match the following maps with the correct languages.
Using the following two lists, match each numbered item with the correct letter.
a.yìdàlìwén 意大利文
b.déwén 德文
c.fǎwén 法文
d.yīngwén 英文
- 1 = a
- 2 = b
- 3 = c
- 4 = d
Using the answers from the previous question complete the following statements, matching the correct parts of their sentences. How do you form the names of various languages?
Using the following two lists, match each numbered item with the correct letter.
replace guó 国 (country) with wén 文 (language).
add wén 文 in order to form the name of the language
a.If the relevant country name ends in the character, guó 国,
b.If the relevant country name does not end in the character guó 国,
- 1 = a
- 2 = b