6 What time is it?
In this activity you will practise asking and telling the time, focusing on the intonation of the questions. You will practise ‘shadow reading’, that is reading aloud as you listen to the recording of that text. This is a good way to practise your pronunciation, fluency and intonation.
Activity 5
Read out loud the questions below as you listen to the audio recording. Try to imitate the speaker’s speed, her pronunciation and intonation, and try to keep up with her!
—¿Qué hora es?
—Martina, ¿qué hora es?
—¿Qué hora es, Pedro?
—Margarita, ¿qué hora es?
Activity 6
Now listen to these prompts, and ask each person the time. There will be a gap for you to ask the question out loud before the model answer is given. Pay attention to the pronunciation of each person’s name and to the intonation of the question (the rise and fall of the voice) after addressing each person. Practise as many times as you wish.
You hear: Ask María.
You say: María, ¿qué hora es?