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Understanding devolution in Wales
Understanding devolution in Wales

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Further reading

Tony Blair interview: watch?v=JfDWxdRoQeI [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)]
Ron Davies reflects on designing Welsh devolution in a lecture hosted by the Wales Governance Centre: watch?v=Xsmx6-VSbXQ
Fiscal devolution information from the Welsh Parliament: financial-scrutiny/ fiscal-devolution-in-wales/
BBC News (2009) ‘All Wales Convention Q&A’, BBC News, 13 January[Online]. Available at 1/ hi/ wales/ 7478169.stm (Accessed 21 May 2021).
Bowers, P. (2011) Referendum in Wales (House of Commons Library, No. 05897) [Online]. Available at research-briefings/ sn05897/ (Accessed 21 May 2021).
Bowers, P. (2016) Wales Bill 2016-17 (House of Commons Library, No. 7617)[Online]. Available at research-briefings/ cbp-7617/ (Accessed 21 May 2021).
Brocklehurst, S. (2015) ‘EU referendum: Does the wording of the question matter?’, BBC News, 27 May[Online]. Available at news/ uk-32899104 (Accessed 25 May 2021).
Browne, A. (2017) ‘How Welsh devolution has evolved over two decades’, BBC News, 18 September[Online]. Available at news/ uk-wales-politics-40947872 (Accessed 21 May 2021).
Crabb, S. (2014) ‘Secretary of State for Wales sets out long-term vision on devolution’, GOV.UK, 17 November [Online]. Available at government/ speeches/ secretary-of-state-stephen-crabb-sets-out-long-term-vision-on-devolution (Accessed 21 May 2021).
Davies, G. (2020) ‘Brexit, Wales and the Internal Market Bill: a failure of soft law?’, Centre on Constitutional Change, 10 November[Online]. Available at news-and-opinion/ brexit-wales-and-internal-market-bill-failure-soft-law (Accessed 25 May 2021).
Institute for Government (2019) Devolution at 20 [Online]. Available at sites/ default/ files/ publications/ Devolution%20at%2020.pdf (Accessed 21 May 2021).
McEwen, N. (2020). ‘The Internal Market Bill: implications for devolution’, Centre on Constitutional Change, 11 September 2020[Online]. Available at news-and-opinion/ internal-market-bill-implications-devolution (Accessed 21 May 2021).
Moon, D.S. and Evans, T. (2017). ‘How not to do devolution: Wales and the problem of legislative competence’, LSE, 30 March[Online]. Available at politicsandpolicy/ wales-and-the-problem-of-legislative-competence/ (Accessed 21 May 2021).
Seely, S., Webb, D., White, I., Sandford, M., Gay, O., Bowers, P. and Wilson, W. (2014) Wales Bill 2013-14, (House of Commons Library, No. 14-19) Available at research-briefings/ rp14-19/ (Accessed 21 May 2021).
Shipton, M. (2016) ‘The key changes Stephen Crabb has said he will make to the draft Wales Bill’, WalesOnline [Online]. Available at news/ politics/ key-changes-stephen-crabb-said-10965509 (Accessed 21 May 2021).
Torrance, D. (2020) “A process, not an event”: Devolution in Wales, 1998-2020 (House of Commons Library, No. 08318)[Online]. Available at research-briefings/ cbp-8318/ (Accessed 21 May 2021).
Tutor2u (2017) ‘Devolution in Wales’, YouTube [Online]. Available at watch?v=w19FxsoAWYM (Accessed 21 May 2021).
UK Parliament (2016) Pre-legislative scrutiny of the draft Wales Bill [Online]. Available at pa/ cm201516/ cmselect/ cmwelaf/ 449/ 44902.htm (Accessed 25 May 2021).
Welsh Assembly Government (2007) One Wales: A progressive agenda for the government of Wales [Online]. Available at 20080107213057/ about/ strategy/ onewales/ ?lang=en (Accessed 21 May 2021).
Welsh Parliament Committee on Senedd Electoral Reform (2020) Senedd reform: The next steps [Online]. Available at laid%20documents/ cr-ld13452/ cr-ld13452%20-e.pdf (Accessed 21 May 2021].
White, M. (2011) ‘Welsh referendum on extending powers fails to engage voters’, The Guardian [Online]. Available at: uk/ 2011/ mar/ 01/ welsh-referendum-fails-to-engage (Accessed 21 May 2021).
Wincott, D. (2020) ‘The possible break-up of the United Kingdom’, UK in a Changing Europe [Online]. Available at long-read/ the-possible-break-up-of-the-united-kingdom/ (Accessed 21 May 2021).