4.1 Ideas all around us
Dyson’s source of inspiration, or perhaps his frustration, turned into an opportunity. If others felt as he did about those poor experiences then surely there was an opportunity. Sometimes new or better solutions can come from:
- simplifying what is there
- adding to what is there
- emphasising different attributes
- making something available in one place that otherwise customers would have to seek in many different places.
In other words, ideas are borne from context – they are not fixed. As a word of caution though, although you may perceive things in one way and can see a new approach, this does not necessarily mean others will share your vison, or view your idea as better. It is likely that changes and adaptation will happen. Sometimes this comes as a result of your own internal view changing, sometimes the context, or even the way you perceive it. Testing your ideas against others is important, as the Dyson example, which took many prototypes before getting it right, illustrates.
Now complete Activity 3 where you will hear more from our entrepreneurs and see whether their original ideas have changed over time.
Activity 3 How ideas change over time
Watch Video 4 below. As you listen to the entrepreneurs, think about what reasons, if any, they gave for changing course.
Transcript: Video 4 Changing ideas
Ideas can arise from many places: internally (such as from a talent or ability), from experiences and frustrations, or from challenges that you perceive as opportunities. However, these can all change over time. This evolution is common as when ideas come into contact with potential customers or users of a product or service, they may challenge your assumptions and their feedback on their likes and dislikes can lead to new insights.
Next, you will consider the tools and techniques which will help you meet the challenges of refining your idea.