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Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in STEM
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in STEM

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Session 6: Making SoTL public and impact evaluation of SoTL


In Sessions 2–5, you have examined different stages of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) inquiry which were first introduced in Session 1. In this session, you will learn about two key areas of SoTL and the final two stages of a SoTL inquiry: writing for SoTL to disseminate the outcomes and impact evaluation of SoTL.

One of the key principles of SoTL is that the outcomes of a SoTL inquiry are shared with others. In fact, ‘going public’ is one of the necessary conditions for scholarly teaching to be considered SoTL. In this session, you will learn about the challenges for making SoTL public, strategies that you may employ to overcome these challenges and the necessary considerations when making SoTL public.

SoTL has an impact on the practice and professional development of the SoTL practitioner, and contributes to evidence-based improvements of teaching and learning. In this session, you will learn about the impact of SoTL practice and strategies for planning and evaluating SoTL for impact.

By the end of this session, you will be able to: 

  • recognise the challenges and considerations in making SoTL public
  • employ strategies for making SoTL public
  • recognise the impact of SoTL on the SoTL practitioner
  • design, conduct and evaluate a SoTL inquiry for impact
  • describe an action agenda for SoTL to make an impact.