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Why riot? Community, choices, aspirations
Why riot? Community, choices, aspirations

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1.2 How others see you

It can be hard sometimes to separate who you think you are personally and your values and beliefs from how other people see you and your community, as you will explore next.

Activity 3: Welcome to the Shankill

Timing: 15 minutes

Now watch Video 2, a short film with Matty and Dylan about their community, the Shankill.

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Video 2: Welcome to the Shankill
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Take a few minutes to write your thoughts in the box below:

  • How do Matty and Dylan see themselves and their community?
  • How does this compare to how others see them and their community?
  • Can you list three things that are important to them personally or they want to change?
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From listening to Matty and Dylan, you might have noticed how the recent conflict in and about Northern Ireland (1969-1998) dominates how other people and the media sees them and their community in the Shankill, and why tourists come to their area. While the past is still part of life in the Shankill today, the things they value most are not related to the conflict. Matty for example talks about football and school. Dylan talks about the people of the Shankill and just the normal things in life. In terms of what they want to change, they talk about the need to have their voices heard, the need for more opportunities and things to do for young people such as sports facilities, and they talk about their hopes for their future and for a better future for their community too.