1.2 Resilience quizzes
If you didn’t find the models a useful catalyst for reflection, there are other resources available that can prompt your thinking.
Online quizzes will ask you questions about different elements of resilience, prompting you to consider it in more depth. One example is the US-based Al Siebert Resiliency Center Resiliency Quiz, which you can access here:
Al Siebert Resiliency Center Quiz [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] (make sure to open the link in a new tab/window)
While it doesn’t have a particular ‘career resilience’ perspective, questions about the way you think and the things you do in response to setbacks are equally relevant if you apply them in your work context.
MindTools (n.d.) offers a similar quiz but with more obviously work-orientated questions. It is based on the work of Cooper et al. (2013) who identified four elements of resilience. They are:
- Confidence – taking risks, admitting mistakes and learning from them, and accepting praise graciously.
- Social support – building good relationships with people at work and seeking support and help from them in dealing with problems.
- Adaptability – understanding and reflecting on your failures, being open to new ideas and situations and managing stress.
- Purposefulness – having clear goals and focussing on them no matter what setbacks occur.
Access the quiz here as one of the three free articles they offer prior to subscription:
MindTools resilience quiz (make sure to open the link in a new tab/window)
Quizzes such as these are often not academically rigorous, and their conclusions won’t define you absolutely, but they can play a useful part in expanding your thinking.
If you’d rather talk to a person about your career resilience, career coaches or careers advisers could help you to understand more about yourself in this context. You’ll learn more about the support they offer in Week 6.