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Developing career resilience
Developing career resilience

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3 Collecting feedback

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Figure 5

Analysing your own resilience can be a challenging activity, and depending on your preferred learning style, you might want to collect the views of other people in your life.

There are many benefits to collecting personal feedback from others – it can enhance your self-awareness, allow you to set goals for your personal development and help you understand how your behaviour might impact on others.

Activity 4 Asking for feedback

Timing: Allow about 15 minutes

Identify someone you trust and respect, and ask them if they think you are a resilient person. If you choose a family member or friend, they might not be able to comment on your career resilience, so is there anyone in your workplace you could discuss this with? A mentor or trusted colleague? Perhaps someone you’ve worked with in the past?

If you can think of an occasion where you faced a specific challenge and ask them how they thought you handled that – this could be a useful way to start the conversation.


Although resilience is a very personal quality, a different perspective can sometimes bring us new insight into personal characteristics we weren’t aware of.