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Astronomy with an online telescope
Astronomy with an online telescope

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5 Summary of Week 1

In this first week:

  • you have installed the Stellarium software and explored its displays and options
  • you have used Stellarium to understand the apparent motion of the night sky
  • you have learned about the two celestial coordinate systems (Alt-Az and RA/Dec) and the benefits and applications of each
  • you understand how to use celestial coordinates to find an object and to know when a particular object is suitably placed for observation from your location or from the Teide observatory.

Next week you will have the opportunity to put some of your new observing skills to the test, to consider why and how telescopes are used to study the night sky and to take a first detailed look at COAST, our telescope on Tenerife.

You can now go to Week 2 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .