5 Summary of Week 3
This week was the final piece of the puzzle you needed to enable you to go on and take some of your own images with COAST. Over the last three weeks you have learned how to use Stellarium, discovered how the sky is mapped and understood how the rotation of the Earth causes the apparent motion of the sky. You’ve looked at different types of telescope, met COAST and thought about why telescopes and particular observing locations are used. This week has introduced you to the concept of magnitudes and how to determine the limiting magnitude of your eyes and other pieces of optical equipment.
With this knowledge, you can now progress to Week 4 with all the skills you need to plan and make your own observations with COAST. You are now ready to obtain your own beautiful images of celestial objects.
You can now go to Week 4 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .