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Succeed with maths: part 1
Succeed with maths: part 1

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2 Multiplying fractions

To help visualise multiplying fractions, take a piece of paper again. To find out what one-third of one-half is, fold your piece of paper in half along the long side and shade one half of the paper. Then, fold it into thirds along the short side. The paper is now split into six equal pieces, or sixths. If you look at the shaded half, you can see that one out of three parts of this portion represents one out of six parts of the entire piece of paper, as shown in Figure 1. This is the same as saying that it is one-third of a half.

How to find one third of one half. Full description in Long description link below image.
Figure 1 Folding a piece of paper into sixths

Mathematically, this is written as equation left hand side one divided by three multiplication one divided by two equals right hand side one divided by six .

If you look at this carefully, you should be able to see that to multiply these two fractions, the numerators were multiplied together, and the denominators were multiplied together. This is the way that all fractions are multiplied. You must just remember to show any answer in its simplest form.

It is often easier to cancel or simplify before multiplying, as this can give you easier numbers to deal with. For example, looking at two divided by three multiplication one divided by two , multiplying the numerators and then the denominators together gives equation left hand side two divided by three multiplication one divided by two equals right hand side two multiplication one divided by three multiplication two , but you can cancel the 2s using division:

equation sequence part 1 two super one multiplication one divided by three multiplication two sub one equals part 2 one multiplication one divided by three multiplication one equals part 3 one divided by three

This calculation is equivalent to cancelling at the start of the calculation: equation sequence two super one divided by three multiplication one divided by two sub one equals one multiplication one divided by three multiplication one equals one divided by three

Try this for yourself in the next activity.

Activity 3 Multiplying fractions

Timing: Allow approximately 10 minutes

Carry out the following examples, showing your final answers in the simplest form.

  • a. two divided by three multiplication six divided by 11

Hint: remember to multiple the numerators and then the denominators together.


  • a.Cancel by dividing by 3.

    equation left hand side two divided by three sub one multiplication six squared divided by 11 equals right hand side four divided by 11
  • b. 22 divided by 50 multiplication three divided by five


  • b.Cancel by dividing by 2.

    equation left hand side 22 super 11 divided by 50 sub 25 multiplication three divided by five equals right hand side 33 divided by 125
  • c. 24 divided by 25 multiplication five divided by 12


  • c.Cancel by dividing by 5 and 12.

    equation left hand side 24 squared divided by 25 sub five multiplication five super one divided by 12 sub one equals right hand side two divided by five

You will remember from Week 3 that you will also come across mixed numbers, which are a combination of whole numbers and proper fractions. In the next section you will look at calculations involving mixed numbers.