2.1 Multiplying mixed numbers and fractions
Say you want to calculate . The way to handle this is first by changing the mixed numbers to improper fractions, as you learned in Week 3, then you can once again multiply the numerators together followed by the denominators:
, so .
, so .
Now you can perform the calculation just as before, looking for ways to cancel first, as you did when multiplying fractions in the previous section.
Note that you should write the answer as a mixed number, if appropriate. You usually do this if the original numbers were given as mixed numbers.
Now try multiplying with fractions in Activity 4. If you would like to watch somebody working through multiplying mixed numbers, have a look at this video. Note again that the presenter refers to ‘fourths’ instead of quarters, and uses a dot at some points to represent multiplication rather than the more usual cross symbol (×).
Activity 4 Multiplying mixed numbers and fractions
Remember to cancel before multiplying, and convert mixed numbers to improper fractions if necessary.
- a.
Hint: you need to change the mixed number into an improper fraction first.
a., so
- b.
- b.
- c.
- c.