6 Summary of Week 6
Congratulations for getting to the end of another week. This finishes your study of percentages and in the last two weeks you have covered a lot of ground. Remember to try and keep your new-found skills fresh by having a go at working out percentages for yourself. If you see a sale in a shop, for example, can you work out how much the original price was from the discounted price and the percentage discount? Keep a look out for percentages in the news or on websites as well. Being able to use and work out percentages is a great skill to have and this will be very useful in ways that you might not have even considered yet. So, well done again and keep practising!
The week should have helped to make you feel more confident to:
- work out a percentage increase or decrease
- work backwards to remove a percentage increase
- understand how percentages and ratios are used in everyday life
- use ratios in calculations.
You can now go to Week 7 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .