2 Principles of effective mentoring
Being an effective mentor requires much from anyone who takes on this role, and their school must understand the extent of what is needed. This section will clarify the principles of effective mentoring.
Watch the video where Dr Matthew Dicken outlines the 12 principles of mentoring.

Transcript: Video 1 Dr Matthew Dicken
The 12 principles of mentoring
- 1 Accountability and responsibility: It is the role of both the mentor and mentee to keep each other accountable for the roles and responsibilities that are undertaken.
- 2 Commitment and diligence: It is the role of both parties to be committed and diligent. The mentee must be diligent in pursuit of their goals. The mentor must be committed and diligent in showing that they value the mentee.
- 3 Communication and co-operation: Formal discussion and casual talking is key to the success of this framework. Both parties must seek to keep the channels of communication open and work out differences if they occur.
- 4 Understanding and relationship building: As the mentor and mentee get to know each other better, it is important that they demonstrate an interest in one another and attempt to understand each other with empathy.
- 5 Encouragement and feedback: It is the role of the mentor to be balanced in their feedback by encouraging and teasing out areas of possible weakness and development. It is the role of the mentee to receive feedback positively.
- 6 Trust and honesty: When discussing, it is important that both mentor and mentee can trust each other, and therefore share with honesty.
- 7 Independence: It is the role of the mentee to think for themselves and the role of the mentor not to be overbearing and categorically stipulate at any point in the journey.
- 8 Innovation and willingness to change: It is the role of both mentee and mentor to think about new directions and new ideas. The mentor has the responsibility to be willing to change and develop.
- 9 Integrity and excellence: It is the role of both parties involved to do the right thing, and to do so to the best of their abilities. Both mentor and mentee should be motivated by the concept of striving for excellence.
- 10 Motivation and driving force: It is important that both the mentee and mentor remain focused and intentional in their thinking and actions.
- 11 Reflection and evaluation: It is both people’s roles to take time to reflect and intentionally think about the ideas that come out of discussion. Similarly, it is both the mentor and mentee’s role to evaluate developments.
- 12 Tolerance and respect: Each of us has different thoughts and beliefs. As such, it is the role of both mentor and mentee to value each other’s opinions and perspectives.
Activity 2 The twelve principles of mentoring
Place the principles in the order of your personal priorities, according to your needs as a school:
Accountability and responsibility; Commitment and diligence; Communication and co-operation; Understanding and relationship building; Encouragement and feedback; Trust and honesty; Independence; Innovation and willingness to change; Integrity and excellence; Motivation and driving force; Reflection and evaluation; Tolerance and respect.
You can type them or copy the list into the box below.
Mentoring requires a principled stance, especially when dealing with the difficulties that beginner teachers sometimes experience, but it is a rewarding role. The next section considers the potential rewards.