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Strategic planning for online learning
Strategic planning for online learning

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Session 1: Differentiated learning experience


In this session you will consider how pupils differ in their use of digital technologies and in what they need to succeed. Pupils’ confidence in using technology and their satisfaction with its use are both strongly determined by the confidence of their teachers (Eickelmann et, 2019). Pupils differ in their experiences of technology and in their attitudes towards it. Regardless of whether they are digitally proficient or not, they can struggle to use digital skills for learning. Those with different physical, sensory and educational requirements may need different tools, ones that align and support their particular learning needs. Digital content is often more accessible to students who use assistive technologies (Ofqual, 2021), but there are many ways content and learning activities can be designed to better support pupils with SEN.

However, Müller and Goldenberg (2021), in their report for the Chartered College of Teaching, discuss many challenges for pupils learning remotely, including, increased levels of some mental health issues, challenges in relation to self-motivation and self-organisation particularly in relation to pupils with SEND. The report suggests a number of elements to consider when providing a differentiated learning experience including, video captioning and transcripts, visual support including Makaton (a communication tool which uses signs and symbols to help people communicate) ( 2021) British Sign Language (the language that deaf people use) (British Sign, 2021) and clear navigation on learning management systems along with accessible fonts and colours. The report also recommends that the “constant availability of written instructions and materials, may also benefit students with ADHD as they often struggle with sustaining attention” (Müller and Goldenberg, 2021, p.90).

Session 1 covers:

  • Harnessing the power of data and analytics to support pupils’ learning and the development of strategy.
  • Developing a digital strategy.
  • Explore how to review, understand and address barriers to learning.
  • Explore how to review, understand and overcome obstacles that prevent changes in practice and strategy.

Activity 1

Timing: 25 minutes

Explore the recommendations from the The EEF Using Digital Technology to Improve Learning Guidance Report [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] and the NP3 project report.

This project investigated Children’s digital practices outside of school and highlighted the fact that teachers often do not take account of what children know and can do…NP3 Meta-analysis report 17-06-29 compressed.pdf (

Make notes/observations on what your school/organisation has been doing under recommendations 2–4 and what you would like to develop in the future.

Technology can be used to improve the quality of explanations and modelling. Technology offers ways to improve the impact of pupil practice. Technology can play a role in improving assessment and feedback.

As a result of working through the guidance report and reflecting on the recommendations, what key actions need to be taken at your school?

Add these to your Action grid.