2.1 Scenarios prompt
Describe the positive scenario for your school. Some ideas are given below. Amend, add or delete them to suit your own situation.
- The school’s network is robust and secure: WIFI is available in all the settings pupils use and the firewall is robust.
- Pupils can easily access systems and course materials away from school
- Pupils can personalise their experience of school systems
- Staff and pupils have support to use their own devices and third-party services
- Innovative uses of technology for learning and teaching are supported ( any safety/security risks are communicated clearly to staff and pupils)
- Communication technologies are used to support pupils in remote settings e.g. from home or when on work experience or school trips
- Teaching staff and pupils are involved in development projects to enhance the learning environment
- Digital technologies are used as a core element in our sustainable school plan.
- Other…
Now consider:
- How would the school benefit if this scenario were fully realised?
- In what ways is your school already moving towards this scenario?
- What are the barriers?
Describe the negative scenario for your school. Some ideas are given below. Amend, add or delete them to suit your own situation.
- Staff and pupils are barred from using their own devices and services on your networks
- There are no clear policies on 'Bring your own device', 'Switch it on' etc
- The IT team is very risk-averse
- The IT team is too busy with upgrades to support innovative uses of the software/network
- There are still significant gaps in network coverage and/or pupils cannot get access from home
- There is a danger that very skilful students may subvert or abuse school systems.
- Other….
Now consider:
- What would be the likely consequences of this scenario?
- In what ways is your school already at risk of this outcome?
- What can you start doing now to minimise the risks?