4 Information governance, safety, security and privacy
Information Governance is the effective, efficient and acceptable management of your information technology (IT). Ensuring your IT management is continuously improving, as well as, being aligned with your strategy and best practice. Consider the following questions and record in your Action grid [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] , if you identify any actions to take forward.
Key questions for consideration include:
- Are all staff sufficiently knowledgeable in online safety?
- Are all staff aware of what technical measures to check to ensure safety online?
- Are all members of the school community knowledgeable in identifying and reporting online safety incidents?
- Is building pupils’ knowledge in online safety embedded throughout the curriculum?
- Are your safeguarding policies, procedures and reporting as robust as they can be?
Useful guidance when planning online safety are:
- Teaching Online Safety in School provided by the Department for Education
- Online safety self-review tool helps schools review their online safety polices
- Keeping Children Safe in Education statutory guidance from the Department for Education.
- Education for a connected world framework which provides a progression framework for online safety in the curriculum