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Making social media work in Higher Education
Making social media work in Higher Education

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1.5 Learning how to spot ‘good’ groups

Facebook groups vary considerably in how they are run by the admins, the rules of the behaviour in the group and who they allow to become members. For example, some lecturers run their own Facebook groups, or work with students who are admins of semi-official groups.

Students have been using Facebook groups for some time as part of their education. Research is now beginning on what makes a good Facebook group for students. In the next activity, you hear from two people who have been involved in running or researching these Groups.

Activity 2 What makes a good Facebook group?

Timing: 10 minutes

Watch the following video from Cath Brown in which she discusses how to run a Facebook group. As you watch make a list of the core tips she gives.

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Video 4 Top tips for setting up a group
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  • Get fellow admins together who will be sensible and constructive.
  • Plan what your group is for and how people will be allowed to share information in.
  • Set up groups rules. Make sure it follows your institutions rules.
  • Use questions to check who is trying to join the group.
  • Avoid being a sole admin for the group and avoid having discussion in the group about admin rules.

Groups vary considerably, it is always worth checking when you join groups who the admins are and what the group rules are. While some of the experiences you might have in these groups might be irritating or just frustrating, you may also encounter more risky situations. In the next section you will learn more about Facebook groups and the risks they pose to your digital safety.