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Making social media work in Higher Education
Making social media work in Higher Education

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2 Formal social media policies

In the last section you learnt about the importance of netiquette and informal rules that govern online behaviour. These are generally rules for polite engagement in the social media apps that you might encounter as part of your studies. However, most universities now have a social media policy; these documents tend to describe top-level guidance for university use, as well as rules/regulations for individual departments or areas (Stoller, 2017).

Here Mel Green talks about how she has used formal social media policies to create community guidelines.

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Video 4 Social media policy
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Note that community guidelines tend to be less formal. By contrast, social media policies are the formal rules that your institution uses to govern social media use by students. In this section you will learn how to find and interpret the social media policy of the institution that you are studying at.