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Advancing Black leadership
Advancing Black leadership

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2.2 Minorities’ engagement with local professional power

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Figure 3 Leaders should encourage people to be aware of their rights

If you are a member of a less-represented community, you should be aware and conscious that some of the holders of professional power may perceive or treat you like someone deficient (Honkasalo, 2013; Lohmeyer, 2017). You should support other leaders and ensure that members of your community and networks know that knowledge is power if used correctly.

As a leader, you should encourage people to be aware of their rights, entitlements and obligations and reassure themselves that they are treated fairly and respectfully. Awareness of the power–knowledge relationships is critical to ensuring that people with professional power do not mistreat you or those you represent (Bacchi, 2009; Lohmeyer, 2017).