Before we start with the course content, this section helps you to familiarise yourself with JSTOR searches. Being skilled in using this online resource will make recent literature available to you and your students, so it’s worth spending some time practising this skill.
Activity 1 JSTOR
Before you start Session 1, we recommend that you go to the Skills Section in Session 5 to practise some searching skills in JSTOR. Take particular note of Section 5: Using JSTOR [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] , which teaches you advanced searching techniques. If you already use JSTOR regularly, you may not need to do this step, although it might be useful to check if any of the tips in Session 5 might be helpful to how you use this resource.
Did you know?
JSTOR offers registered users to view up to six articles or book chapters a month free of charge. This scheme covers all of the collection’s content and it is available to everyone – including individual students. This should certainly help students to complete their essays and coursework, and to prepare for the types of academic material with which they will be expected to engage if they go on to university.
We recommend that you opt to sign up for JSTOR to use six free articles a month as this will help you access some recent publications. We have included suggestions for articles to download from JSTOR in some of the sessions. We also make suggestions for other sources that are freely available online.
Once you have familiarised yourself with JSTOR, go to Session 1.