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Supporting physical development in early childhood
Supporting physical development in early childhood

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6 Supportive adults

You should now have an understanding of how adults can support children in their physical development.

Build on this understanding by watching the video at the link below about how the development of physical skills supports learning. Open the link in a new tab or window by holding down Ctrl (or Cmd on a Mac) when you click on the link. Return here when you have finished.

Link: Video – how the development of physical skills supports early learning [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)]

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Activity 4

Having watched the video at the link above, consider your responses to the following questions:

  • How are adults in the video supporting children in their physical development?
  • Can you list all the physical movements you observe?
  • How would you describe the adults’ actions and behaviours in the video? (e.g. warm, encouraging, joyful, etc.)
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