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Supporting climate action through digital education
Supporting climate action through digital education

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2.1.4 Sharing with others

Taking action with others is a necessary part of tackling the climate emergency. When feeling overwhelmed and anxious, it’s easier to withdraw and detach from others, rather than admitting to struggling. This can lead to a downward spiral. Keep in mind that connection with other people is important; perhaps most of all when you don’t feel like it. Receiving and giving support for others – whether that’s your family and friends, colleagues, or others learning about climate action online – can help you feel more positive. Resources and networks that help you connect with others, such as the Existential Toolkit or the Gen Dread newsletter might also be useful.

Existential Toolkit [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] : A Growing Hub of Resources for Climate Justice Educators.

Gen Dread: A newsletter about staying sane in the climate and wider ecological crisis.