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Supporting climate action through digital education
Supporting climate action through digital education

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2.4 Tom’s story

In the following activity you’ll have an opportunity to consider how students’ mental wellbeing can impact on their experiences of climate-related education, and think about how educators might provide support.

Activity 3 Tom’s story

Timing: Allow about 25 minutes

Part 1

Play the following audio clip in which Tom, a UK-based learner on a short online course about climate change, describes his experience and explains why he was unable to complete the course. A transcript of the audio is available. As you listen to Tom’s story, make notes on the following questions.

  • What emotions does Tom describe experiencing?

  • What impacts did the course have for Tom, both positive and negative?

  • What could educators have done differently that might have enabled Tom to complete the course? Consider both the design of the course and the facilitation.

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Audio 1 Tom’s experience
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Part 2

Try to find any climate cafés that are already happening in your own area or that are relevant to the learners in your own context. Use the hashtag #climatecafés to search on social media.