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Supporting climate action through digital education
Supporting climate action through digital education

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4 Summary

In Session 4 you’ve considered the power of collaboration for learning about the climate emergency. You’ve examined how citizen science enables public participation and collaboration in scientific research and you’ve thought about how you might use the nQuire platform in your own context. You’ve explored some of the theories of collaborative learning and thought about how virtual exchange projects can be used to bring together groups of learners from different cultural and/or geographical contexts for online collaboration. Finally, you have created your own climate education action plan and considered the support you can access to help you put your plan into action.

You should now be able to:

  • design collaborative learning activities which support learners in understanding the causes and impacts of the climate emergency
  • critically reflect on your own practice and identify ways to develop it further
  • design an intervention that responds to the climate emergency through an aspect of teaching or learning.

We very much hope you’ve enjoyed the course and that it inspires you to experiment with new ways of addressing the climate crisis in your teaching. Please do promote this course to others, via social media or through any networks you’re a part of. If you’d like to use social media to share any ideas for climate education activities, or to discuss the content, please include the course hashtag #OU_Introducing_Climate_Education.