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Introduction to Arabic
Introduction to Arabic

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3 Interrogative particles in Arabic

Interrogative articles like when or who in English are the first step in forming a question to seek information. In the following table you will find a list of interrogative articles. In the activities that follow you will see how interrogative articles are used in a sentence. Listen carefully to the audio.

* Interrogative particles in Arabic comes first at the sentence.

Table 6 interrogative particles in Arabic
English Arabic Transliteration
Yes, No questions هَلْ - أَ Hal - Aʾ
Who مَنْ Man
What مَاذَا - مَا Māḏā - Ma
Where أَيْنَ Ayna
When مَتَى Mata
Why لِمَاذا - لِمَ Limāḏā - Lima
How كَيفَ Kayfa
How much - how many كَمْ Kam
which أَيّ Ayyu