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Principles and practices of peace education
Principles and practices of peace education

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Introduction and guidance


This Principles and practices of peace education course is a collaboration between the Open University and Quakers in Britain. The course introduces the core principles of peace education to those working with children and young people. As well as practical ideas for everyday classroom practice, it links to materials for further study and curriculum planning.

The course is divided into six sessions. Each session should take approximately two hours to complete.

Session 1: What is peace?

Session 2: Peace with myself

Session 3: Peace between us

Session 4: Peace among us

Session 5: Peace in the world

Session 6: Your journey as a peace educator

Learning outcomes

After studying this course, you should be able to:

  • describe concepts underpinning peace education
  • understand pedagogical approaches to building peace in the classroom
  • be aware of the competencies that can be developed through peaceful education practices with children and young people
  • begin to develop self-reflective practice as a reflective peace educator.