Short and long division
Short division
Watch the following video about short division to help you complete the activity:
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Activity 13: Dividing whole numbers (short division)
Calculate the following:
- 969 ÷ 3
- 3 240 ÷ 8
- 7 929 ÷ 9
- 34 125 ÷ 5
- 14 508 ÷ 8
- 80 225 ÷ 4
- A syndicate of six people wins £135 000 on the lottery. How much will each person get?
- A factory packs 34 000 fish fingers into boxes of eight. How many boxes are filled?
Please note that some of the answers have remainders.
- 323
- 405
- 881
- 6 825
- 1 813 r4
- 20 056 r1
- £22 500 each
- 4 250 boxes
Long division
Watch the following video about long division to help you complete the activity:
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Activity 14: Dividing whole numbers (long division)
Calculate the following:
- 648 ÷ 18
- 377 ÷ 29
- 298 ÷ 14
- 1 170 ÷ 18
- 42 984 ÷ 12
- Sian earns £12 540 a year. How much does she earn each month?
- Alun buys a car costing £8 550. He wants to pay for it over 15 months. How much will it cost each month?
Now check your calculations with a calculator before revealing the answers.
- 36
- 13
- 21 r4
- 65
- 3 582
- £1 045 a month
- £570 a month