Week 4 round-up
In this week you’ve looked at the subject of debt – a financial product with which virtually every household is familiar, from an outstanding balance on a credit card bill to a mortgage on a property.
The focus has been the cost of debt, introducing you to the key financial subject of interest rates. You’ve looked at the factors that determine the interest rate you pay when you borrow money, taking in on the way the subjects of official interest rates, real interest rates, the compounding of interest and APR.
Interest rates come up again in the next week, where you look at the ways that people can invest their money. So while this week has dealt with the subject of debt, which is known as a liability, Week 5 looks at savings and investments, which are collectively known as assets.
You can now go to Week 5: Savings and investments [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)]