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English: skills for learning
English: skills for learning

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3.2 Recalling your background knowledge about its topic

So far, you have gained information about the overall topic and organisation of the text. If your aim is to study this text in depth, you will now be able to recall your personal knowledge about its topic and think of questions you hope the text will answer for you.

Activity 8

Timing: Allow approximately 10 minutes

Now spend a few minutes thinking about the text you read in Activity 7. Think about:

  • what you already know about its topic
  • any questions you think the text might answer.

Write a list of facts, ideas or questions below each of the following headings. I have started the lists for you.


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The answer is personal to you, but here are some notes:


  • Not eating enough
  • Which nutrients are essential to avoid under-nutrition?
  • Inudstrialised countries? — Causes?


  • Eating too much
  • Obesity
  • More effects?


Depending on your previous knowledge of the topic of this text, you may have listed facts, ideas and questions or simply questions. Even if you listed only questions, you now have a purpose for reading the text: you are likely to want to compare your previous knowledge with the findings reported by the text and to find answers to your questions. University students may also want to read this text before writing an essay on nutrition.If you were writing an essay on nutrition, notes like this would be a vital preparation.