5.1 Organising information into subtopics
Rather than writing notes that list the information in the order followed by the source text, you may decide to use your own organisation. You will practise this in the following activity.
Activity 13
As you saw in previous activities, the practice text provides information about causes, effects and location of over-nutrition and under-nutrition. Focusing on these topics can help you to reorganise your notes.
Go over the practice text and your previous notes again and organise the information using the headings below. Where useful, you may want to include some examples. To increase the effectiveness of these notes, try to use very concise expressions.
When you finish compare your work with my answer. You can make your notes either in the boxes provided below or on paper if you prefer.
My answer contains information I felt would be useful when discussing the topic of malnutrition. You may have chosen slightly different information.
As you see, I have used very concise expressions. Reducing information to concise expressions is a skill you will practise in Week 8.
Eating disorders (in developed countries): anorexia, bulimia
Low energy diet
Scarcity of food (famine)
Lethargy, low activity levels, low concentration
Stunted growth, weight loss
Long term/in children: diseases leading to death
Vitamin (e.g. Vit A→sight loss) and mineral (e.g. iron→anaemia) deficiency
Developing countries – mostly
Developed countries
Excessive food intake
Saturated fats-rich diets (dairy products, animal fats, coconut/palm oil)
Lethargy, low activity levels, low concentration
Weight gain, obesity
Effects of obesity: coronary heart disease, gallstones, arthritis, cancer, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure
Type 2 diabetes: metabolic problems, mostly adults+children
Developing countries – mostly
Developed countries