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English: skills for learning
English: skills for learning

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4.7 Using diagrams to plan an assignment

Many students find that diagrams can be useful when planning their essays. This is because diagrams help them to think in a visual way about their essays and the ideas they need to include in them.

Look again at this assignment question:

Describe the causes of deforestation, explain its negative effects and evaluate the solutions that have been implemented to date.

This assignment can be outlined using a mind map as shown in Figure 4.

Partial mind map for an assignment question on deforestation
Figure 4 Partial mind map for an assignment question on deforestation

The mind map can be used while reading about deforestation to add information that could be included in the essay.

Activity 11

Timing: Allow approximately 10 minutes

Draw a mind map that can be used to plan the following essay and to record the most relevant information from readings.

Decide which primate species you would prioritise for conservation action and explain how you came to this conclusion.

Before designing your mind map, look again at the suggested outline for this question. When you have finished, compare your mind map with mine and read the comments.


While reading about this topic and using this mind map (Figure 5), it is possible to enter each of the three reasons, details about explanations, evidence and alternative views and more branches.

Partial mind map for an assignment question on primate conservation
Figure 5 Partial mind map for an assignment question on primate conservation